Nothing like a little baking to while away a depressing, wet Auckland day! The rain hasnt stopped all night and all day today. And its school holidays, typical. The children are having a pyjama day today, with lots of DVD's and games. They need feeding too, so thats where mum comes in (a role that I take very seriously indeed!).
So hot buttered scones are the order of the day
Date Scones with Cinnamon Sugar
3 cups Plain flour
6 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Tsp salt
75g butter
1 -11/2 Cups milk
3/4 Cup chopped dates
1-2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1. Sift flour baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl
2. Add butter into the mix andcut in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs
3. Add the chopped dates to the dry mixture and then with add the milk and mix quickly into a soft dough. (it need to be pliable and soft and not too sticky) so add the until you get the right consistancy. Knead a few times to get it soft and workable.
4. Press the scone dough on to a floured surface and cut in to 12-14 even sizedpieces.
5. Place on a lightly floured baking tray leaving a couple of cm space between each one
6. Mix the cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle on the top just before baking for a lovely sweet crunch.
7. Bake @ 220 c for 10-12 min until golden.
Serve hot with butter. You can make plain scones the same way (just omit the dates) and serve with jam and whipped cream (devonshire tea style).
Enjoy ! Till next time . Ashia