Well, this year ( our 2nd in NZ) we decided to have a quiet kiwi Christmas camping. as it's summer in the southern hemisphere and our long summer holidays.  The big family get together was last year (our first Christmas back for about 9 years) with the whole Singer clan.( My husband's)  A big Christmas meal with all the trimmings. 

This year we pared it right down, there is only so much you can take with you when you are camping. With a bbq and some creativity we ate really well.

It was important to us to take the children camping, for them to experience a different style of holiday. They have travelled all over the world, staying at fabulous hotels and villas in France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Dubai, USA and the UK, over the past few years. 

The children made lots of friends at the camp and just played, making up games and just being kids, they loved it!
We spent the days, reading, walking, swimming and playing board games, precious family time. Priceless!

I decided on keeping it really simple on Christmas day, BBQ butterfly lamb with honey glazed carrots and pan fried potatoes, and mini pavlovas to finish off. Perfect!