Birthday time again, they come around pretty quickly, you blink and a year has gone by!  I love baking my children's birthday cakes, but as most parents, I struggle to think of ideas for cakes as the children get older.  This year Zara had already decided she wanted a cake like Adam's. ( The one he had for his 12th birthday)
So I though yes great idea, but lets do a girly version. The result was great! Athree layer chocolate cake with  lilac rosette butter icing  with lollies on top.

I startedby baking my no fail chocolate cake x3. ( check the recipe earlier in the blog)  A great cake for birthdays as it is lovely and moist.  We started by icing the layers together and then applying a crumb coat. 

Icing cakes is always fun with my kids as they always want to lick the bowl

The result!I also baked little cup cakes and pastel coloured meringue kisses and some popcorn and fruit, a great party at the beach.



With her big brother Adam and mum

Cutting the cake :-)  Happy days!