Not the greatest summer, but we have had an abundance of sweet, juicy sweetcorn.  I have great memories of growing up in Malawi, we had a big field behind our house, with sweetcorn growing in it. I remember running through it chasing my sisters and playing hide and seek.

There are so many different ways you can have sweetcorn, salt, pepper and butter, or drizzled with a tangy tamarind sauce.  But for me the best way is hot and spicy.

For 4 corn on the cobs


1/2 tbl oil

1 tbl butter

1/2 tsp salt


1/2  tsp ground chilli powder

1/2 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp tumeric powder, 

1/2 tbl tomato paste, heat everything together, ( around 1 -2 min)  with a drop of water, careful not to overheat as the butter and spices will burn, serve drizzled over hot corn ( either chargrilled on the barbie or i do mine in the microwave, 3 min each side in the husks.

